
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Found this amusing. Who knew an online personality test could be so right on?

Signal Patterns
Tanya V's
Personality Patterns
Visit SignalPatterns.com
to get your own!

Things have been rough. Becca's murder is still a shock and hurting a lot but people are doing their best to be there and help where they can. My mom's really stepped up. Tracey gets back to Boston on Thursday and I thik that will be a huge help. Getting back to class and work today I think has been good too. Tomorrow I get to round in the Brig NICU which is super exciting. So this should be a good week to try and get back on top.

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Been Awhile 

Yeah I kinda fell off the face of the earth. It's been busy. Getting ready for Med School, working, school, the Red Sox. Life has been cruising a long at warp speed but I'm pretty damn happy. It's good stuff.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Holy Shit... 

It's been well forever. Alot is new. 2 years of Northeastern left. Then Med School Thats new. Im wicked depressed and today will always be the day I remember Coco Crisp getting hit by the Marlins Mascott. HAHAHA....he's fine. I think he gets to be my new conquest too. SWEET!!

Funny to compare how much I have changed as I grow up

*Birthday: The end of spring! May 20
* Eyes: They’re not sure
* Hair: BLONDE
* Height: 5'7”
* Shoe Size: 6
* Who lives with you: Roomate(s) Tracey, Casey
* When is your bedtime?: Depends on the day, and when I feel like going to bed
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: yes, even flown the plane
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: College Student, hasn’t everyone?
* Missed school because it was raining: Sadly yes but I had permission
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: for amusement, no
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: Unhuh but it’s not something I’m proud
* Been hurt emotionally: Who hasn't?
* Had an imaginary friend: unless the voices in my head count that’s a negative
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: I have
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: No they aren’t real
* Been on stage: to many times to count, I’m an actress
* Cut your hair: myself? Once, I was young
* Had crush on a teacher?: yeah a couple
* Kissed your cousin: uh not really
* Ran away: that was my thing
* Skipped school: wait maybe that was my thing
* Broken someone's heart: I’m a heartbreaker but I don’t mean to be
* Been in love: absofuckinglutely
* Cried when someone died: yes indeed
* Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: there are people I can’t have?
* Dropped food and picked it up and ate it: That’s disgusting
* Done something embarrassing: I don’t do embarrassed but I’ve done some stupid shit
* Done a drug: I have no brain cells left
* Cried in school: yes
* Made out with JUST a friend?: uh yeah. Oops.
* Kissed two people in the same day: yes indeed
* Had sex with two different people in the same day?: does a threesome count?
* Been rejected: yes once and it sucked
* Been in lust?: hey it happens
* Used someone?: maybe a little but I feel awful afterwards
* Been used?: and abused
* Cheated on someone?: only once but he told me to
* Been cheated on?: It’s happened so many times you’d think I liked it
* Done something you regret?: I’m sure there is something but as a general rule I don’t
do regrets.
* Shampoo: right now? Purology, hydration.
* Fav Color: warm ones, but I like orange a lot
* Day/Night: I’m a night owl but I do enjoy the sunshine
* Summer/Winter: SUMMER! I’m going somewhere where there is only summer
* Lace or Satin: satin
* Cartoon Character: Scooby doo
* Fave Food: Cheesecake
* Fave Drink: Scotch on the rocks
* Fave sport: REDSOX!!!!
* Fave Car: Ferrari 360 Modena
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: PJ's
* Drinking: Milk
* Person/persons talking to online: Nada
* Listening to: Law and Order SVU
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: nope
* Worn jeans: a jean skirt
* Met someone new online: nope
* Done laundry: no, but that’s a good idea
* Drove a car: yep. to the cape
* Talked on the phone: unhuh
* Kissed someone: yup
* Said "I love you": nope
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: sure do
* Your friends: Isn’t that the point of friends
* Santa Claus: I wish I was still that innocent
* Tooth Fairy: I always knew
* Destiny/Fate: No fucking way
* Angels: I dunno
* Ghosts: probably
* UFO's: there plenty of flying things I can’t identify
* God: not sure, don’t think so
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? nah I kinda like mine
* Do you like anyone? I like lotsa people
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Tracey or Jote
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably ali
* Who's the weirdest?: I think we fight for that title
* Who do you hang out with the most? Tracey-Face
* What's the best feeling in the world: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; once you
get past the gut wrenching terror of it
* Worst Feeling: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; before the gut wrenching terror
is gone, or maybe it’s not knowing
* What time is it now? 11:54pm
-----------------WHICH IS BETTER------------------
* Coke or Pepsi: coke
* Sprite or 7UP:7UP
* Smoking or Drinking: smoking
* Hot or Cold: Hot
* Blondes or Brunettes: I like em tall, dark and handsome
* Bitchy or Slutty: definitely bitchy
* Tall or Short: see previous question.
* Pants or Shorts: shorts, it means that its warm out
* Night or Day: both
-----------------WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX------------------
* What do you notice first: eyes
* Last person you slow danced with: chris
* Last person you hugged: Tracey
-----------------THE LAST TIME YOU------------------
* Showered: last night
* Stepped outside: few hours ago
* Had Sex: I don't remember and its driving me crazy
* Person You Hate Most: Britney Spears (It’s part of who I am)
* Best Thing That Has Happened: changed my major
* On your desk: comp, calendar, notes, cell, ciggs
* Picture on your desktop: Flower
* Utensil: tongs-you can pinch people with em
* All-time favorite song: I have to pick just one?
* Ice Cream: dude. Vanilla
* Season: summer and certain parts of spring and fall
* Breakfast Food: sugaarry cereal
* Makes you laugh the most: Tracey
*Can make you feel better no matter what: my daddy, unless he’s why I’m mad, which is
-----------------DO YOU------------------
* Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call: not my style, and I have a cell phone,
although I have made an exception
* Save AIM conversations: A funny one here or there
* Save Emails: yeah if they need saving
* Forward secret E-mails: nope, secrets a secret
* Wish you were someone else: never
* Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no but I want a penis of my own to play with for a coupla days
* Wear cologne: sometimes
* Kiss: yup
* Cuddle: mmmhmmmm
* Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: My computer is always online
* Color your hair? have
* Have tattoos?: three
* Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
* Own a webcam?: I think so
* Have a website?: probably
* Ever get off the damn computer? Sometimes
* Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: nicht weiterhin
* Habla espanol: si, actualmente bastante bueno
-----------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------
* You touched?: Tracey
* You talked to?: Tracey
* You hugged?: Tracey
* You instant messaged?: JJ
* You kissed: chris
* You thought about?: mitch
* Who text messaged you?: Tracey
* Who broke your heart?: Russell
* Who told you they loved you? Ben
-----------------HAVE YOU/DO YOU/ARE YOU------------------
* Stolen anything?: unhuh
* Smoke?: ciggs
* Schizophrenic?: wrong disorder
* Obsessive? A little
* Compulsive?: maybe
* Obsessive compulsive?: um yes indeed
* Panic?: every day
* Anxiety?: haven’t we covered that
* Depressed? I take drugs to fix that

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It's Been Awhile~Alot is New 

Just in case you forgot who I was:

*Birthday: The end of spring! May 20
* Eyes: They’re not sure
* Hair: BLONDE
* Height: 5'7”
* Shoe Size: 6
* Who lives with you: Roomate(s) Liz, Ashley, Amanda, Theresa (sort of), There are
others but they don’t really live here

* When is your bedtime?: Depends on the day, and when I feel like going to bed
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: yes, even flown the plane
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: College Student, hasn’t everyone?
* Missed school because it was raining: Sadly yes but I had permission
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes* Put a body part on fire for amusement: for amusement, no
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: Unhuh but it’s not something I’m proud

* Been hurt emotionally: Yeah, but if you tell anyone I’ll deny it, then kill you
* Had an imaginary friend: unless the voices in my head count that’s a negative
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: I have
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: No they aren’t real
* Been on stage: to many times to count, I’m an actress
* Cut your hair: myself? Once, I was young
* Had crush on a teacher?: yeah a couple
* Kissed your cousin: uh not really
* Ran away: that was my thing
* Skipped school: wait maybe that was my thing
* Broken someone's heart: I’m a heartbreaker but I don’t mean to be
* Been in love: absofuckinglutely
* Cried when someone died: yes indeed
* Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: there are people I can’t have?
* Dropped food and picked it up and ate it: That’s disgusting
* Done something embarrassing: I don’t do embarrassed but I’ve done some stupid shit
* Done a drug: I have no brain cells left

* Cried in school: don’t really do the crying thing
* Made out with JUST a friend?: uh yeah. Oops.
* Kissed two people in the same day: yes indeed
* Had sex with two different people in the same day?: does a threesome count?
* Been rejected: yes once and it sucked
* Been in lust?: hey it happens
* Used someone?: maybe a little but I feel awful afterwards
* Been used?: and abused
* Cheated on someone?: only once but he told me to
* Been cheated on?: It’s happened so many times you’d think I liked it
* Done something you regret?: I’m sure there is something but as a general rule I don’t
do regrets.

* Shampoo: right now? Purology, hydration.
* Fav Color: warm ones, but I like orange a lot
* Day/Night: I’m a night owl but I do enjoy the sunshine
* Summer/Winter: SUMMER! I’m going somewhere where there is only summer
* Lace or Satin: both together nice texture change

* Cartoon Character: Scooby doo
* Fave Food: Cheesecake
* Fave Drink: Scotch on the rocks
* Fave sport: hockey
* Fave Car: Ferrari 360 Modena
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Dress pants and a baggy T-Shirt- it says ARMY
* Drinking: Vodka with some strawberry lemonade
* Person/persons talking to online: Jim, Patrick, Julien
* Listening to: the incredibles

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: nope
* Worn jeans: negative
* Met someone new online: nope
* Done laundry: no, but that’s a good idea
* Drove a car: nope
* Talked on the phone: that’s what I do
* Kissed someone: unfortunately not
* Said "I love you": yeah
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: sometimes
* Your friends: Isn’t that the point of friends
* Santa Claus: I wish I was still that innocent
* Tooth Fairy: I always knew * Destiny/Fate: No fucking way
* Angels: I dunno
* Ghosts: probably
* UFO's: there plenty of flying things I can’t identify
* God: not sure, don’t think so
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? All the time
* Do you like anyone? I like lotsa people
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? ali
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably ali
* Who's the weirdest?: probably me
* Who do you hang out with the most? Ben, ali, the roomies, julien, nate
* What's the best feeling in the world: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; once you
get past the gut wrenching terror of it

* Worst Feeling: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; before the gut wrenching terror
is gone, or maybe it’s not knowing

* What time is it now? 1:15am
-----------------WHICH IS BETTER------------------
* Coke or Pepsi: coke
* Sprite or 7UP:7UP
* Smoking or Drinking: oooh smoking I miss it so much I want a cigarette
* Hot or Cold: Hot
* Blondes or Brunettes: I like em tall, dark and handsome
* Bitchy or Slutty: I’m more bitchy I’d say
* Tall or Short: see previous question.
* Pants or Shorts: shorts, real short ones they make my bum look good
* Night or Day: both
-----------------WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX------------------
* What do you notice first: eyes
* Last person you slow danced with: I don’t remember… that’s sick
* Last person you hugged: my mommy
-----------------THE LAST TIME YOU------------------
* Showered: 7:15 this morning
* Stepped outside: quite a bit ago but I was thinking I might do it again real soon
* Had Sex: Sunday, about 5am so that would make it 44hr and 40min ago
* Person You Hate Most: Britney Spears (It’s part of who I am)
* Best Thing That Has Happened: my mom blew me off on my 20th birthday and I
consequently met the love of my life

* On your desk: comp, calendar, notes, music box, cell, white out, matches coffee cup,
drink, purse.

* Picture on your desktop: Fenway
* Utensil: tongs-you can pinch people with em
* All-time favorite song: I have to pick just one?
* Ice Cream: dude. Vanilla
* Season: summer and certain parts of spring and fall
* Breakfast Food: mexican
* Makes you laugh the most: Eric or maybe wade
*Can make you feel better no matter what: my daddy, unless he’s why I’m mad, which is

-----------------DO YOU------------------
* Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call: not my style, and I have a cell phone,
although I have made an exception

* Save AIM conversations: A funny one here or there
* Save Emails: yeah if they need saving
* Forward secret E-mails: nope, secrets a secret
* Wish you were someone else: never* Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no but I
want a penis of my own to play with for a coupla days
* Wear cologne: sometimes
* Kiss: yup
* Cuddle: I do now
* Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: My computer is always online
* Color your hair? have
* Have tattoos?: three
* Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
* Own a webcam?: Nope
* Have a website?: unhuh
* Ever get off the damn computer? Yes, I like the outdoors and people
* Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: nicht weiterhin
* Habla espanol: si, actualmente bastante bueno
-----------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------
* You touched?: liz
* You talked to?: liz
* You hugged?: mis madre
* You instant messaged?: jim
* You kissed: my wonderful boy
* You thought about?: same boy
* Who text messaged you?: ali
* Who broke your heart?: Russell
* Who told you they loved you? Ben
-----------------HAVE YOU/DO YOU/ARE YOU------------------
* Stolen anything?: unhuh
* Smoke?: what? I have both currently it’s kind of on both
* Schizophrenic?: wrong disorder

* Obsessive? A little
* Compulsive?: maybe
* Obsessive compulsive?: um yes indeed
* Panic?: every day
* Anxiety?: haven’t we covered that
* Depressed? I take drugs to fix that

Wow, it's been some time whats new? Where to start? Well I'm in love with a wonderful boy who mkes me smile and feel like a princess. I'm quitting smoking. I moved to Boston, went back to school (Northeastern). Turned 20, hockeys back. I'm Loving Life! It's so weird for me to be so very upbeat. I LOVE! It hasn't all been roses, but it sure is good. And with true passion it never can all be roses and we all know I'm passionate and can therefore its a safe assumption that he is too. I love you baby, and there are many more effortlessly perfect nights to come.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Serious case of the blahs today. I'm not really sure why but it is true. I had some up moments but for the most part I'm about ready to resign at life. I suppose I will give a proper two weeks notice though. Took a little quiz, thought it was hilarious and hear are the results.
You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

Also the game was rained out, Wells and Schill are on the DL and BoSox prospects are looking a little grim. They are three games behind the orioles and the hated Yankees are catching up. ACKKKKK!!! But I must now get over the shrinking of my cashmere sweater and find a shirt and a dress to wear in Boston. Maybe some underwear and socks too... Hmmm. I'll probably be back later. Another sleepless night in Tanya land! SCORE.
However a certain someone has begun to convince me that sleep is not an all around bad thing. hmm. very interesting indeed.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Always Heartache for Boston fans. 

Watching the top of the 9th inning opening day and it is rough. Tomorrow night, I am just glad I do not have to work tomorrow the Sox can bring this back. Wow. Lot's has happened. Knee surgery, stopped taking my medicine, cycling a little, sent off all stuff for school. I'm really getting ready to go! For real. The question though is what is the more powerful emotion? Fear or excitement. My mom has taken the driver seat a little and is making me an appointment with a psychiatrist to get my medication regulated so I can take it without being a zombie which is good. Perhaps it had something to do with my hysterics over ice cream but who knows. I'm in a depressed phase right now I hate the world, I'm always tired, I have no energy to do anything, in fact it all seems utterly unbearable it is too much! Then of course there are all the yucky thoughts am I worth all this trouble? I doubt it. I just want to give up I have had enough.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Lost, Tired, Done. 

I’m so tired. I have utterly lost my ability to be awake and functional I slept all day today and still I find my self wholly exhausted. In fact I don’t even really have the energy or presence of mind to write in this journal. Every part of my body is tired and I think it best for me to just sleep perhaps forever. I hate the continual rollercoaster ride that has become my life. I am ready to go. So tired it’s another wasted night and it seems the voices have stolen my conversation. I can’t do this.

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