
Monday, February 14, 2005


I used to truly think that Valentines day was only good for gory stories about the massacre. I have moved on a bit, I still think it is a useless made up holiday that was created by the hallmark industry as a ploy to bring in yet more money. I am however a little less bitter and a lot more in like, serious like. Andy and I have indeed kept in wonderful contact, and I see him pretty often so perhaps there is indeed some optimism to be shared. Not to say I am gung ho or forgetting the past just saying there are possibilities. He called today and we talked, I love talking to him and right now I would give anything to be wrapped up in his arms. There is just something about him I feel safe when I'm with him. Oh jesus look what has happened, I sound all warm and mushy. I might just vomit. Just kidding but it is a big change for me although I know I have always been a hopeless romantic at heart and I am currently having big time marriage envy I'm running out of time to find that one. TOM BRADY! Hell yeah. I need a sports star/hero. He is and he is sooooo very hot. But then realistically speaking aw who the hell am I kidding I will have one. I really just love the athletic ones it is true it also helps if they are kinda pretty, which Mr. Brady most definitely is. Well I am babbling, and I fear bed time has come. I am off, I will make all attempts possible to write again soon.
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