
Monday, February 07, 2005

Implosion Eminent... 

Well the Red Sox are still phenomenal. Boston sports are falling into place and so is my life. I am getting my license back soon, I am headed back to school, and I am happy perhaps even slightly more sane. I am getting shit together, and it sure took long enough. I have the energy again to do all the things I love to do, working, and the radio and school, and it doesn't all seem so damn overwhelming anymore. My boss is an ass but hey such is life. Also there is Andy, I don't really know exactly what we are doing or not doing but I like it. He is great and well I enjoy seeing what happens. I'm really loving life right now and I am truly ready and much less frightened to go and live it. It seems like so long ago I was the scared, psychotic little girl that was crawling into a corner and dying. I have made leaps and bounds since then and it has only been like a year. Shit. I love this new, no wait, old me. I am back y'all and I am ready to shine so back the fuck up, get out of my way cause here I come. I am even starting to model again. Wow... I am Tanya again and I'm so psyched. So while Boston may implode because they don't know what to do with all the titles I am going to explode onto the world and make my mark, I guarantee it'll be a big one. Now if only the Damn NHL could get their shit together so the Bruins could win a Stanley cup then my year would really be complete! Loving Life, I'll try to remember to come back and talk at you soon. Also must remember to plan the trip to Italy, and get that damn UVM transcript!
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