
Friday, February 18, 2005

I Wonder 

So it appears that I am hypermanic, and in turn that means what... My mind is racing, I do not need to sleep, or eat and I am a bitch. Actually usually that last part is true but I do not seem to be unduly irritable which is good. I miss Andy, and I am planning my trip to Italy to start from NYC so that I can see him for a few days. This whole trying to make relationships work while in different states, well it sucks a lot of balls actually. I wonder though if perhaps this one might not just make it there seems to be a higher commitment level to at least talking and communicating which is nice. Although the tough part is how new it all is and well blah. I took three percocets and a vicodin today to try and slow my damn head down, but it didn't really work. It slowed me down and I laid down for a bit but I still couldn't sleep my head still was tweakin'. I am aside from all of this doing pretty good, and I think that life is looking up. I am finishing up all the transfer crap to head off to real school again in August and I am ready to start my life. I'm a little bit apprehensive, nervous if you will but no longer terrified and this is awesome. I even have a level of excitement. Sigh. I just wish there was more to do now, I'm bored and cold, I friging hate Vermont jesus christ. I want to go tanning but alas I have not transportation. Blah. Maybe I can go in the AM. Who knows though perhaps I will be able to sleep tonight, although I seriously doubt it. Well I gotta pee and get more water and perhaps smoke a cig so I am off but I appear to be getting slightly better at this whole writing thing it's good. It actually seems that I am getting better at being organized, slightly, and doing things in a timely manner which is definitely way cool. That means no more late or non existant homework and less stress mor free time as a whole it is good news. Well for real this time I'm gonna run.
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