
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Subpoenas and Duck Whores???  

So I'm back, I have been for like two weeks... The unyielding depression of having to leave my wonderful daddy has well yielded. I have started classes, I'm back at the station and I am working full time its a crazy life. Red Sox well they had a rough series with the hated Yankees but they are still only 4.5 games behind. Anyways I have bronchitis what the hell is new? I got a meningitis shot and its making me feel yucky and I got subpoenaed to be a witness in Jeff's assault case like I made perfectly clear I had no intention of letting happen.... I am rip shit pissed off about it too. But I guess I now have to go to court or jail but I feel the former will be much more pleasant than the latter which really isn't saying much at all. November 3rd I get to be a real live witness woohooo... Anyways... I'm here at the station doing Night of the Living Dead for Jer bear who is in NYC mourning the horrid Red Sox loss... But on the up note the Patriots won again it was their 17th consecutive win. Oh and Hockey season is a no go it was supposed to start in two days but they still haven't reached a collective bargaining agreement so I have o wait longer for hockey if I get it at all this season and needless to say I am pissed! I cannot survive with football and baseball alone I neeeeeeeeeed Hockey! Oh and my daddy isn't coming for Christmas, but I think we are gonna go to the Caribbean... Bonus. I miss my Ali, I feel like shit, I wanna go home and watch sports center and passthefuckout, but I can't because Bill's brother Brian moved in and he is an utter and complete pain in my ass... If he isn't bitching about me having a light on his damn baby is crying and waking me up in the middle of the fucking night and I mean shit I didn't go and have a fucking kid I shouldn't have to deal with it. But the worst part really is that I am supposed to respect his need to sleep and his space and what he wants to do but because he is more important than me he doesn't have to do the same for me... What with watching TV all night long, or the damn baby or stealing the TV when I am trynna watch something I am so damn irritated I wish he would just got the fuck away and I was there first damnit! Ok I don't really feel better but I vented. Things with Bill aren't any better I still feel like I am nothing but an inconvenience in his life and it mother fucking pisses me off. There is an awful lot of that going on right now, me being pissed. Really it's just been a shitty couple of days but I will get over it I am sure. I'm gonna go now I have to change songs and go smoke a cigarette, and in such deal with the all obnoxious premature winter that has set into this god forsaken hell state. Latah.

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