
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Let's Go Red Sox!! Yankees SUCK!!! 

Okay so there is obviously an upcoming Red Sox yankees series and all I have to say is lets go RED SOX. This is exactly what we need to catch up a little. Yay. I am officially out of my percoceted stupor and ready to face life again. I am still kinda banged up and a little sore, but I will live I know longer need to pop narcotic pain killers like candy and oh yeah I have removed the lip ring. I am officialy done with it. I think I was prettier without it. I love my nose ring but the lip ring, everyone was right, it just wasn't me. But I will never admit that to anybody else. EVER. It's a little wierd without it there to play with. But I think I will be okay. Well I am off to spend a coupla hours with the boys. And then to bed I gotsta get up mad early.
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