
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Where in the world is my place? 

I have realized that my place is not here where I am, however I have yet to realize where exactly my place is. I know that I need bigger and better things than this small little place can offer me. I am ready to fly, ready to soar and I am leaving no stone unturned. Wow, in the scheme of corny lines that one was definitely a winner. I went to class today well one of my classes and I do believe I am going to love it. Cultural Anthropology, it seems absurd in the scheme of my major but really it isn't. The study of people will be very useful in the acting world. Anyways could my life be more boring? There really is no interesting or drama ridden anything today and it is amazing. I am so damn sick of drama! It is amazing how cutting certain aspects of your life out seem to immensely alleviate the drama. Weird. Anyways as there is no drama and not much to say I suppose I will go. I am sure that within the next few days something interesting will arise. Oh wait just kidding, I met this boy in class he is a transfer student from England where he went to theater school, which is so cool because that is so what I was going to do. Go to England, and immerse myself in theater. So we talked about the whole England thing and it was awesome, he is also very cute...hmmm...I think it will be fun to get to know him. But know I really am going to go away.
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