
Sunday, May 02, 2004

Oh Man Finally 

We did it!!! We finally made it out to play! Yay! Oh man so much fun spent the whole day being one of the guys playing ball basketball, baseball and such however no football ah another day. I had a blast I am exhausted but in such a good way. Now all I need is a piece of ass. Hmmm... Anyways I had another wonderful day, it is funny how the warm weather makes everything perfect. Well maybe not perfect but very very good. I have a bruise from hell on my hand because someone was trying to fucking kill me I mean shit I swear to god he had a vendetta but hey man if you play with the boys it'll be a lil bit painful. I don't know. Anyways yeah I am a lil bit tipsy, and it is raining outside. I think that is my favorite thing, warm summer rain...I think I may go back outside later and play on the swings some more. I'm such a little kid and I love it. It would be very nice to have some company though. I won't get it but again I am strong and I will deal. I have gotten my strength and my glow back, I am the person I want to be again and I love it. I am so happy to see Tanya again, and not the evil bitch that had taken my place. I have not talked to my P-nut in two days and I am sooo not happy about it. I saw Mikey today and that made me happy. I miss him. Maybe I will call him tomorrow afternoon and we will hang out...Probably not as Wade will probably make me go to the doctors for my eye. I don't know but I love my life. It is not perfect or by any means even that great but I am truly just happy to be alive. I love everyday I get to see what will happen and live another glorious day. Oh man, look at what warm weather and sunshine does to a person. I think I could sing, I am pathetic. Such a dork, and the best part is that I do not care in the least. I could scream it from the rooftops, "I am a dork, a loser, whatever, but I am happy." I love the world. I am so corny, oh boy oh boy. Ali I love you! Wade You are awesome. And to all the rest you know where you stand with me. Hmm, I think today is the first day I had nothing really to say about fruit. He played guitar today and oh man do I love that. However he also had an attitude and a half but the great thing is, I just don't care. I really am starting to feel that. No longer is it me trying to convince my self I believe. I care deeply for him, and well I can't change that, but in all honesty I don't care. An oxymoron? Maybe, but oh well. I am done with the games, I won't let him hurt ,me, and man I have that power. I am in the drivers seat again and I like it.
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