
Sunday, April 25, 2004

So Anyways...Yet Another Interesting Night 

So yeah last night was another drunken one oh man was it fun...Not really the whiskey unfortunately didn't make the nasty hurt in my heart go away...but I will move on I am strong and the biggest mistake I made was letting him feel like he was in control...I thought it was the way not to be overbearing and not to scare him away, but he definitely took some major advantage...ahhh well live and learn. By no means am I saying that I give up on him because I don't...I'm just gonna let him realize on his own terms what being scared, immature and assholish will get him...Wade thinks that he will see what an idiot he was, but I am not so very sure, but hey whatever all I can do is sit back and see...although I have actually decided that sitting back is not the way I will truly move on and be happy and whatever happens, happens I mean I can't always be in control as frightening as that is it is true and I gotsta deal with it. Anyways we are supposed to play football today, and I am excited yay for physical sports...I will finally be able to beat some boy ass and take out all that pent up aggression I tend to have...So as I say life will move on and who needs the lousy apples anyways...surly I don't! I'm done with apples...so how do you like them apples...oh yes and by the way New York Teams...i.e. Yankees Suck...Nice Sweep Sox...So as always football ended up being a no go, why the hell are boys sop unreliable...ah such is life...no worries another day another time I will do my thing and you all will like it well I'm gonna go work on my book much love to all
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