
Friday, April 30, 2004

I Just Know... 

So we had plans and as he is him I just know he is gonna bail. It is okay a part of me knew this was way to good to be true. I am not good enough for him and I need to accept that. I am really not that hurt because I think inside I expected it. Anyways I still don't hate him and I am absolutely sure I never will but I am in control and I am still not going to play games with him. Whatever...I would love it if things were different but I am in control not he and I won't be his toy I just won't. So as I am disappointed I am cool. I will live I will be ok because I do not need him...I enjoy him immensely but I definitely do not need him. It is all about needing me and only me and I am so good with that. Wow I feel like in the last week I have already reverted back to the person I used to be...It is amazing I missed her and I am so glad she is back. I will talk later and we will see what transpires in the fruit world...... Well as it seems it is not his fault. Unfortunately both of us are careless...ahh such is life. Another day I am sure. I don't know though because as I recall he has a bike and today is most definitely a beautiful bike day and unless he is enough of a stoner to forget how hot I find bikes well then that would have been the way to go. However I cannot jump to conclusions and I will indeed let it be because I am taking that fated step back to casually observe and just see what happens. Remember I do not care. I am all set with the rollercoaster ride from hell so what ever will be will be. I will just see what is to transpire. I truly have found my peace with the world and it is a beautiful thing.
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