
Thursday, April 29, 2004

I Feel We Should Start Over... 

So I have decided that indeed I do not hate fruit. I think that him and I should start over I want him to know the person I really am not the lost, drowning little girl he met. I am confident that if he takes the chance to see who I really am he could love me. He caught glimpses of me before and those were the times when everything was wonderful but unfortunately this other person clouded her and took over and it ruined the chance I had. I want him to give me another chance so I can show him who I really am. I am not the person that he saw I am brighter and happier and much more giving than she. I truly was lost and confused and floundering in the sea we call life. I hope that with our mending I can convince you to learn who I really am I am ready to be that girl and I want you to share that with me. I believe that it is something you would like. Don't be afraid I was and it hurt me immensely open up and try new things. Let it be real. Ill try to be good enough and Ill try not to scare you. Ill try to listen and ill try not to push. Ill work on communicating and I will make sure that I don't get too scared. Its not just you I'm scared to so lets qualm our fears and comfort each other. Lets take a step forward and grow up a bit. I have nothing to offer that is enough but ill give it my all and maybe that will work. I've fallen in love and ill never admit it but that is okay well see where this goes.
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