
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Apples and Such 

I truly don't understand why boys tend to think they are so fucking awesome I mean really who cares...just because you have a dick doesn't mean you must act like one all the time...honestly what is wrong with people I don't even begin to understand I mean shit man...but hey life goes on and who needs the penis anyways I think the world would be a better place if they all dropped dead I mean honestly where do the penis bearing folk get off playing stupid mind games...and why is it that those of us with out penises are forced to sit back and dociley take it all opinions are unacceptable and standing up for what you believe is worse...Whatever stubbornness is a trait I have and if you don't like it then fuck you I don't care...I have decided that the old adage is true one rotten apple really can spoil the bunch...but they never say about the other fruit just apples...so I should have known that because I am me and they were apples I would chose the rotten one but ahh such is life and there are plenty more fruit in the tree...But it is time to watch sports center and cry myself to sleep...lata
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