
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It's Been Awhile~Alot is New 

Just in case you forgot who I was:

*Birthday: The end of spring! May 20
* Eyes: They’re not sure
* Hair: BLONDE
* Height: 5'7”
* Shoe Size: 6
* Who lives with you: Roomate(s) Liz, Ashley, Amanda, Theresa (sort of), There are
others but they don’t really live here

* When is your bedtime?: Depends on the day, and when I feel like going to bed
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: yes, even flown the plane
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: College Student, hasn’t everyone?
* Missed school because it was raining: Sadly yes but I had permission
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes* Put a body part on fire for amusement: for amusement, no
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: Unhuh but it’s not something I’m proud

* Been hurt emotionally: Yeah, but if you tell anyone I’ll deny it, then kill you
* Had an imaginary friend: unless the voices in my head count that’s a negative
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: I have
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: No they aren’t real
* Been on stage: to many times to count, I’m an actress
* Cut your hair: myself? Once, I was young
* Had crush on a teacher?: yeah a couple
* Kissed your cousin: uh not really
* Ran away: that was my thing
* Skipped school: wait maybe that was my thing
* Broken someone's heart: I’m a heartbreaker but I don’t mean to be
* Been in love: absofuckinglutely
* Cried when someone died: yes indeed
* Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: there are people I can’t have?
* Dropped food and picked it up and ate it: That’s disgusting
* Done something embarrassing: I don’t do embarrassed but I’ve done some stupid shit
* Done a drug: I have no brain cells left

* Cried in school: don’t really do the crying thing
* Made out with JUST a friend?: uh yeah. Oops.
* Kissed two people in the same day: yes indeed
* Had sex with two different people in the same day?: does a threesome count?
* Been rejected: yes once and it sucked
* Been in lust?: hey it happens
* Used someone?: maybe a little but I feel awful afterwards
* Been used?: and abused
* Cheated on someone?: only once but he told me to
* Been cheated on?: It’s happened so many times you’d think I liked it
* Done something you regret?: I’m sure there is something but as a general rule I don’t
do regrets.

* Shampoo: right now? Purology, hydration.
* Fav Color: warm ones, but I like orange a lot
* Day/Night: I’m a night owl but I do enjoy the sunshine
* Summer/Winter: SUMMER! I’m going somewhere where there is only summer
* Lace or Satin: both together nice texture change

* Cartoon Character: Scooby doo
* Fave Food: Cheesecake
* Fave Drink: Scotch on the rocks
* Fave sport: hockey
* Fave Car: Ferrari 360 Modena
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Dress pants and a baggy T-Shirt- it says ARMY
* Drinking: Vodka with some strawberry lemonade
* Person/persons talking to online: Jim, Patrick, Julien
* Listening to: the incredibles

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: nope
* Worn jeans: negative
* Met someone new online: nope
* Done laundry: no, but that’s a good idea
* Drove a car: nope
* Talked on the phone: that’s what I do
* Kissed someone: unfortunately not
* Said "I love you": yeah
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: sometimes
* Your friends: Isn’t that the point of friends
* Santa Claus: I wish I was still that innocent
* Tooth Fairy: I always knew * Destiny/Fate: No fucking way
* Angels: I dunno
* Ghosts: probably
* UFO's: there plenty of flying things I can’t identify
* God: not sure, don’t think so
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? All the time
* Do you like anyone? I like lotsa people
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? ali
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: probably ali
* Who's the weirdest?: probably me
* Who do you hang out with the most? Ben, ali, the roomies, julien, nate
* What's the best feeling in the world: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; once you
get past the gut wrenching terror of it

* Worst Feeling: being truly, madly, and deeply in love; before the gut wrenching terror
is gone, or maybe it’s not knowing

* What time is it now? 1:15am
-----------------WHICH IS BETTER------------------
* Coke or Pepsi: coke
* Sprite or 7UP:7UP
* Smoking or Drinking: oooh smoking I miss it so much I want a cigarette
* Hot or Cold: Hot
* Blondes or Brunettes: I like em tall, dark and handsome
* Bitchy or Slutty: I’m more bitchy I’d say
* Tall or Short: see previous question.
* Pants or Shorts: shorts, real short ones they make my bum look good
* Night or Day: both
-----------------WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX------------------
* What do you notice first: eyes
* Last person you slow danced with: I don’t remember… that’s sick
* Last person you hugged: my mommy
-----------------THE LAST TIME YOU------------------
* Showered: 7:15 this morning
* Stepped outside: quite a bit ago but I was thinking I might do it again real soon
* Had Sex: Sunday, about 5am so that would make it 44hr and 40min ago
* Person You Hate Most: Britney Spears (It’s part of who I am)
* Best Thing That Has Happened: my mom blew me off on my 20th birthday and I
consequently met the love of my life

* On your desk: comp, calendar, notes, music box, cell, white out, matches coffee cup,
drink, purse.

* Picture on your desktop: Fenway
* Utensil: tongs-you can pinch people with em
* All-time favorite song: I have to pick just one?
* Ice Cream: dude. Vanilla
* Season: summer and certain parts of spring and fall
* Breakfast Food: mexican
* Makes you laugh the most: Eric or maybe wade
*Can make you feel better no matter what: my daddy, unless he’s why I’m mad, which is

-----------------DO YOU------------------
* Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call: not my style, and I have a cell phone,
although I have made an exception

* Save AIM conversations: A funny one here or there
* Save Emails: yeah if they need saving
* Forward secret E-mails: nope, secrets a secret
* Wish you were someone else: never* Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no but I
want a penis of my own to play with for a coupla days
* Wear cologne: sometimes
* Kiss: yup
* Cuddle: I do now
* Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: My computer is always online
* Color your hair? have
* Have tattoos?: three
* Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
* Own a webcam?: Nope
* Have a website?: unhuh
* Ever get off the damn computer? Yes, I like the outdoors and people
* Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: nicht weiterhin
* Habla espanol: si, actualmente bastante bueno
-----------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------
* You touched?: liz
* You talked to?: liz
* You hugged?: mis madre
* You instant messaged?: jim
* You kissed: my wonderful boy
* You thought about?: same boy
* Who text messaged you?: ali
* Who broke your heart?: Russell
* Who told you they loved you? Ben
-----------------HAVE YOU/DO YOU/ARE YOU------------------
* Stolen anything?: unhuh
* Smoke?: what? I have both currently it’s kind of on both
* Schizophrenic?: wrong disorder

* Obsessive? A little
* Compulsive?: maybe
* Obsessive compulsive?: um yes indeed
* Panic?: every day
* Anxiety?: haven’t we covered that
* Depressed? I take drugs to fix that

Wow, it's been some time whats new? Where to start? Well I'm in love with a wonderful boy who mkes me smile and feel like a princess. I'm quitting smoking. I moved to Boston, went back to school (Northeastern). Turned 20, hockeys back. I'm Loving Life! It's so weird for me to be so very upbeat. I LOVE! It hasn't all been roses, but it sure is good. And with true passion it never can all be roses and we all know I'm passionate and can therefore its a safe assumption that he is too. I love you baby, and there are many more effortlessly perfect nights to come.

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