
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A 15 hooker gang bang? 

Oh man it has been forever... Jesus Christ so much has happened I don't even know where to begin. Well firstly, I met a boy and I am dating him. Not like a little kid in high school though like for real we are dating... Going out to dinner and what not. I love it. I also am rather infatuate with him. Ali and Lindsay are not convinced but I think he is great. Um.... Working a lot, going to classes, I have decided to postpone my move to Boston until August. Oh man and the fucking Red Sox won the world series holy shit the whole thing was insane. After coming back from a 3-0 series deficit to whoop the Yankees ass they then went on the sweep the series and obliterate the curse it was beautiful. Oh my Sox, the whole thing was just amazing and all I have to say is hey New York who's your daddy now???? I went to court for my whole reckless driving thing way back in high school and I am on probation and they suspended my license. But I can finish up with probation by February, and I can have my license back in a couple of weeks hopefully. I'm going to a Dashboard Confessional concert on the 20 which is kick ass cause I love Dashboard. I also went to court for the whole Jeff beating the crap out of me thing. That was just about the most emotionally stressful thing ever. But I didn't end up having to testify because he plead guilty at the last minute. Matty went with me which helped a lot. I have been hanging out with Matty a lot which is awesome cause we always have a bunch of fun together. Its cold as hell and I cannot wait to escape but such is life. I gotta run though I'm at the station and its time for me to hop on the air.

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