
Monday, July 26, 2004

Forever and a Day! 

Well it has been like forever since I have written.  I've been way busy.  some things never change though.  i.e. the Yankees SUCK!  Another beautiful series by the Sox!  Yay Sox!  However some things become more wonderful with time.  I really truly think I have gotten to this amazing settled place in my life.  I'm ready to go.  No more games, no more bullshit, and most definitely no more drama.  Although as hard as I always try drama seems to seek me out to destroy me.  But the key thing is that I am stronger than that, and I will not let it win.  My mom gets married on Sunday, wow man the craziness!  I picked up my dress today, and if I do say so myself it looks fucking amazing on me... Yes, yes I know I'm a conceited little bitch but hey we all need our moments.   Ah yes the peaceful wonderment that I am in right now is way cool.  Although I need to go to the doctor because there seems to be something wrong with me, and that sucks balls.  I just have no energy whatsoever and I don't know why.  I'm achey and lethargic and I have been for awhile now.  At first I just thought it was a hangover and lack of sleep.  But now it won't go away so I'm kinda worried.  Oh well I'm probably just tweaking over nothing again.  Well I'm off just thought I would check in, because I figure one day looking back at all this will be well interesting to say the least.  Partially do to my extreme craziness and partially just because it is a written record of me growing up.  Thanks Y'all, and indeed I mean all of you.  even the rotten apples because without you I would not have discovered me.   GO BO SOX!

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